You are the creator of your experiences.
How do we CREATE personal mastery in all areas of our life? Let me teach you how to get out of your head into your heart.
Might sound fluffy: yet being a multi passionate entrepreneur, CEO and leader for over 25 years. This is exactly what has created the most congruency and momentum for my teams.
Exchange Fight, fight, or freeze for calm clarity that brings you into taking inspired action
Exchange fear, worry, uncertainty for peace, love, joy
Exchanging your logical brain to always be proving us right and keeping us safe to allowing our inner guidance system/heart to guide us in leading a team and family that is connected and rejuvenated in all aspects do your life.
Exchange Feeling overwhelmed and chaotic to Trusting the process and surrendering.
Exchange Being in fear to being in faith
Exchange Count burdens to count blessings
Exchange Playing small, looking outward for approval to being courageous & confident
Exchange Self defeating to self acceptance
And hey … If you lack assurance at first, you can borrow mine until you do
I know life can get busy so if you can't attend live, the recording will be sent out to you.
We all have power of choice
We really have two choices; we can do nothing or we can invest in ourselves.
I'm ready TO CREATE what's next. Want to join me?