If you want to fail massively, its easy. Just do these three things.

There's a two-lettered word that's necessary if you want to win. These two letters have impact both GIVING and RECEIVING.  

You must accept the two letters.
You must love the two letters.
You must have the two letters handed to you every day to succeed.

You must  give these two letters every day.

If you want to fail massively, it's easy. Just do these three things:
Avoid them at all costs
Get emotionally attached to them (in a negative way)
Allow them to paralyze you

Have you guessed the 2 letters yet? N. O.

If you can't handle the word no (also translated to “I don't like you. ”I have to think about it”, “I'll get back to you”, “we are not friends anymore” .. you're gonna get stuck, and feel burnt out. Simple as that.

Because let's be honest, even if you're the best at what you do, you will still get rejected. In both personal relationships and professional ones because responses, reactions and expectations are not ALWAYS going to go your way. 

Oooooohhh boy especially the professional ones …if you're in any kind of sales or marketing! Buckle up because it's a DAILY dose if you're putting yourself out there in any way. When I finally understood that the KEY to success was going through the No's to get the yeses, I sorted like a postman on crack and went through huge numbers.

It's why the best athletes in the world are the best in the world. They were willing to fail time and time again in order to become the best. Failing means hearing no on the regular.

So, if you learn to accept those 2 little letters, you have a shot, my friend. 

So now that you've somewhat accepted the fact you need to RECEIVE them in order to be successful in your forward motion…

HOW are you about DELIVERING these two letters?!

How often do you SAY NO? (for real though?)

Let's make this simple, if you never say NO you are de-valuing your YES. Let me repeat that for effect … if you never say NO you are de-valuing your YES! Bam mic drop. 

Saying no open doors to healthy boundaries, better decision making, better clarity on your use of time, attention and emotional awareness. Awareness and ability to decide on what is meant for you and what is NOT meant for you.

One of the reasons I've been able to build MASSIVE momentum in my businesses, and have healthy relationships is because I've wired my brain this way, and encourage others to do the same.  Great mentors are great with the mental training process. Saying NO exercises your brains neuroplasticity  AND builds “your personal great!"


If you don't prioritize your life, someone else will. 

If 2024 is your year? I am here to support you! START HERE


We're all seeking the best, fastest, most powerful ways to improve our lives. We want to feel more, enjoy more, produce more, and succeed at a higher level.  

If only there were a single key that unlocks all these doors. There is!

I want you to have this roadmap—it's absolutely free. The secret to unlocking everything you want in every facet of your life. To get you started on that path, I want you to have my 10 step roadmap to living a soul led life.


Never forget who you are. Keep going.


A couple of weeks ago, I found myself at a crossroads.