If love is the answer, can you repeat the question?

Have you ever been in a situation where two people you love are at odds with each other and they want YOU to fix it, make it better, make it go away, or a whole lotta schtuffs in between?

Hmmm well, congratulations if your answer is no. And for those of you who have been in this situation, it's a tough one no doubt. I am in the thick of it right now and what is showing up for me is something a good friend recently shared with me and as divinely guided as life is, it came at the perfect moment for me to hear it and THEN REALLY HEAR IT.

She said there is the voice of reasoning, and the voice of love and acceptance, we all get to choose which voice suits us at the time. 

So as I watch and observe the situation at hand and notice how these “voices” fluctuate in and out. Not only for THEM but for me too? Knowing when to share and when to listen, in and out of the flames. When I can see so clearly there is an eternal amount of LOVE between them. It is palpable. Yet, they are both blind to it right now. Everyone is asking to be heard and no one is “listening”.

They are both asking the other for the same thing but using different words, perspectives, and judgments that are making things cloudy. As I stay neutral and hold space for them both I am asking myself the question “If love is the answer, can you please repeat the question?” 


Thinking someone out there may need to hear this today. Love IS the answer.


Our chat on The Observatory Podcast was released last week. A fun chat with our dear friends Scott and LaRae Wright.


Change is good…isn’t it? Version 2