08. Part 1. Co-creative relationship chat with our amazing husbands as our guests.

This episode we invited our amazing husbands to join the conversation. We wanted to talk about the power of co-creative relationships vs. co-dependent relationships and get their input and perspectives. They graciously accepted our last minute invitation. 

There are lots of laughs and poking fun at each other. Laughter is a good  way to balance out the challenges and hardships of our relationships. 
We have found that all of our experiences; both our highs and our lows have offered us an opportunity to learn to co-create together.

Travis and Amanda have been together for six years. They discuss how supporting each other through growth phases can assist each other in finding personal confidence.  Travis talks about the human ego aspect of releasing selfish needs and encouraging your partner in doing something that makes them happy even when you both don't choose in. 

Jessica and Kelly have been together for thirty-one years.  They discuss how they are both strong independently and even stronger together. This strength and commitment have assisted them in navigating life's challenges. Kelly expresses the power of not only supporting each other, adding encouragement also plays an important role.

Relationships are where we can learn the deepest parts of ourselves, and having a healthy co-creative partnership is an opportunity to grow. 



09. Part 2. Healthy co-creative relationships. Co-create a life by design!


07. Talking crystals, books, energetic clearings & more!