This week was certainly not one of my favorites… Yep I said it!
If there was a challenge, trial or adversity … well it found me. Not just in one area of my life, but across the board. Don't you just love consistency? Oooooh the drama of it all.
Not all was lost for me, we had some great adventures with family graduation parties, the family favorite of Sunday dinner and strolling around “the hood” spending some quality time with my people. I am so grateful for that time but holy schnikeeeees a lot of heavy stuff hit me from out of the blue this week. I paused, I listened to what my body was telling me. I needed some rest mentally, emotionally, and physically … life forced me to slow it waaaaay down. Many tears, lots of sleep and some deep reflection filled up my week. I'm grateful for the tools that keep me grounded and connected spiritually.
I'm always a little melancholy this time of year because it's the anniversary of my brain surgery in 1994. May 27 to be exact, a month before my wedding, what a crazy time! Too much to share about that here but in the end it's part of my story and a day I hold close to my heart. It's what you might call a “milestone moment”.
Since we can't go camping for Memorial Day like we normally do because of the high levels of snow I suspect we will pack a lunch, load up the Ranger and head for the mountains. That is my happy place, chasing sunsets somewhere with my people.
What I know for sure, emotions are energy in motion so feel them when you need to feel them. Brushing them off doesn't serve. Energy is everything and everything is energy. When we are continuously, productively in motion, we can find our light, we can be a light and become forces for good. Through this week's tears, I was reminded once again, we have the power and agency of choice when something happens out of our control. We choose what's next. Our sovereignty is holy.
I'll leave you with this concept shared with me this week.
1. We all have a story
2. So often we have no control of what happens to us.
3. It's easy to feel defined by the things that happen to us.
What trials are you facing right now? What opportunities or gifts might you find in those trials? What is your story? Do you see your value?