Passion whispers to you through your feelings, beckoning toward your highest good.

I am grateful you are here. One of the greatest treasures in my life are my people. 

My people = you

I have loved the responses and thank you emails that I received last week. 


This past week felt like a big one for me in so many ways both professionally and personally (insert deep sigh here). Too much to share here but I’ll just sum it up by saying 1) it’s ok to do things that scare you and 2) watching my adulting kids “do life” is very fascinating and awe-inspiring.

One thing my kids will tell you is that I am NEVER afraid to see them fail, stumble, or mess things up. Besides, who’s to say it’s a failure anyway?  

When in God’s hands…it happens that way because it was meant to.


One conversation in particular that stood out was driven by a quote I shared on my Instagram (no surprise if you already follow me, then you knowwwwwwwwwwww my affinity for quotes). If you don’t follow me, let’s connect @jessica.lee.devenish. I love to see what my friends and family are doing in the world. 

The quote read: “Passion whispers to you through your feelings, beckoning toward your highest good”


I often get comments and engage in fun conversations about many of them, but this one really struck me. My friend Crawford asked me, “What is greater, passion or purpose. Curious what you think?

My thoughts were simple. “Personally, I think they both work better when they are hand-in-hand. Passion alone can fade, where purpose alone can have more foundation. I asked, “What are your thoughts? I would love to hear.” His response, “I find purpose more enduring and one that creates peace – I liked your reference to foundation and am thinking about that now you’ve mentioned it.” 


Why did this question stand out to me? Our vision & mission is EMBRACE LIFE AS ONE HOLISTIC, HARMONIOUS JOURNEY. 

Welcome to our tribe. Where passion and purpose create a life by design. 

I am pretty confident Crawford has never been to our site before, and would never know my innate relationship with passion and/or purpose. Some might call that a GOD WINK moment, others may see it as synchronicity or perhaps a dot that connects to the big picture of your life. IT WAS ALL THOSE THINGS FOR ME!


It was one of those body chilling moments! Where you look around and want to say, “oh my gosh! Did you see that?” then immediately giggle because you know that if ALL the world saw it, they wouldn’t get it anyway. If you tried to explain, it would come out all wonky and make no sense because it was ONLY MEANT FOR YOU!   

You have those too right, or is it just me? 

I'm grateful for my experiences.  I'm grateful for my experiential wisdom. I'm here to share what I know, what I've learned and how I'm growing to better you and empower you with the same.  Creating gratitude goes hand in hand with experiential wisdom.  To get your started on that path, have you gotten your 7 day gratitude journal freebie?

Love, Jessica


We are Made of Stories!
