Let Freedom Ring!
Happy 4th of July and happy Wednesday.
Just settling in from a fun filled five days, living high on the mountain with my people. Then followed my hubby around our town on his motorcycle carrying a flag on his back waving loud and proud yelling “America” as people were hooting and hollering as he drove by. Cruised for about an hour, just before the sky was lit up with fireworks. We could see them at 180 degree angle from our house. Fun fact about me…I REALLY love fireworks!
The sound of fireworks echoing from the mountains, laughing and loving with those we love the most. Feeling extremely grateful for our freedoms and the opportunity to do what we want, when we want to do it, in this country we call home.
Let Freedom Ring. Land of the free.
I am grateful for those that fought for our freedoms. My Dad for serving.
Home of the free, because of the brave. Let that sink in. All around us, we know someone who served, who is serving currently and has a story to tell. I never take that for granted. I am compelled to thank a veteran every time I see one, or someone in gear. My heart leaps out and shakes their hand.
We have the freedom to complain or be disagree when we don't like the way things are going. We have the freedom to create and choose from a place of ABUNDANCE or SCARCITY. We can travel when we want to. We can stay home and BBQ in the backyard with neighbors, family and friends if we so desire.
I shared in my June Masterclass; the profound choice we have between living in our personal captivity OR living in our personal freedoms and liberty.
What it comes down to? The power of choice.
We can operate from feeling like we don't have enough time, enough love, enough attention or we can operate from the opposite; where there is always enough! Choosing a mindset and a position of plenty. Like air we breath, trusting there is always plenty of time, money, energy, love, and attention.
The best part of all, the freedom to create. Create the life of our dreams, to hope, to build, to serve others to the best of our capacity, to share our hearts and the things we love with people we love. To live from grace and beauty. What a gift we hold.
Choice to create whatever we believe is the best for us. Choice to co-create with God, our family, our work, our people. The choice to create and live in our truth.
What will you choose today?