Do you believe we are who we are because life pushes us to the brink sometimes?
In my life, entrepreneurship has delivered many of my hardest challenges in life. Along with parenthood and marriage, all facets of my life continue to offer unexpected twists and turns of life.
Now hey, if you none of your key relationships ever push or challenge you, perhaps you should stop reading now as you will not resonate with what I am about to share.
Our most treasured key relationships can be hard. That may be hard for you to hear and yet, those we love the most can be our greatest challenges. They know us the best, they hold us accountable when we feel victim to our circumstances and we don't want to take responsibility and instead, lean into the idea that life happens for us, instead of to us. Life has seasons and chapters that are NOT always pretty. This I know firsthand. Many long standing good relationships are often seen as “perfect” or without “trials”. I ask you, "how can that be?!?” I have witnessed the best of relationships struggle because they KNOW all the moving parts that most people don't. The ability to hide and reject the facts is not present by those closest to us. I've seen it in my own life and working with my coaching clients time and time again.
YESSSS… you can have a beautiful relationship aaaad LIFE IS LIFE…If you don't think the best of the best potentially grumble, disagree, are at odds, criticize, get frustrated, argue (with ten thousand other verbs we could add) ummmm then I think you're dead wrong for the simple reasons I've presented here. Life can be hard. Uncertain. Unsure. Ugly at times. Life can be bright. Beautiful. Brilliant. Warm. Charming. Incredibly wonderful at times. It could change minute to minute. This we know. Our most important key relationships both business and personal have most likely been through it all, the ups and downs.
What I know for sure? YOU CAN have a beautiful thing, incredible love, deep understanding, and compassion .. ALONG with the experience of defeat, struggles, heartache, sadness and perhaps grief through seasons and chapters. Do you feel that?
For me, THAT IS WHY I personally have a deep appreciation for the good stuff. BECAUSE OF THE HARD STUFF! We are human beings who get it wrong sometimes! Hardships come in ALL shapes & sizes!
Woooooooeeeeeee it has got me thinking, that so many only see the “scroll” aka “highlight reel”. The highlight reel is just that…highlights, moments, events, memories, adventures AAAAAAND a whole-lotta-life in between you don't see. If you're comparing OR assuming Instagram and Facebook posts, or whatever else you “see”, trust that is not the whole story … Stop it. Try again. Be realistic. We are all adults here.
Some days we are the teachers. Some days we are the students. Both are critical to creating a life be design. I feel like someone needed to hear this today (cough cough me too) If not today, maybe you'll hold onto the idea that THE REAL LIFE gets “real” sometimes… for all of us and reflect back on the idea that our key relationships can be our greatest challenges. What a gift isn't it? A check in that cultivates greatness in yourself and presents an opportunity for our own RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY.
That's exactly why my June Masterclass hits home with this in mind.
Life's storms ALSO include the beauty of surrender, grace, empathy, love, & true self-awareness. There is true GRATITUDE in it all. In my experience, we are who we are because LIFE pushes us to the brink sometimes. We are all on our own journeys, with unexpected twists and turns in the seasons of life. Lean into the idea of radical responsibility and ask God, “what's the next right step for me?"
"And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith." Matthew 21:22