Are you responsible for the energy you bring into the space?

Navigating emotional responses can look different for all us. 

An important skill I teach my coaching clients. Are you ready? This is a big one you may need to read this sentence a couple times to let it sink in. 

YOU have to learn the difference between someone disrespecting you vs you feeling disrespected. 

Emotional ears hear from a place of offense. Sometimes it's not what they said, it's what YOU are triggered by. And unless you know your own personal triggers, you may see things as an attack, when it wasn't.

And the (hard) truth is; maybe what you “heard” really has nothing to do with you. (Yikes, I hope we are still friends after that sting. Oooooof that's a big one I know.) 

SIMPLY CONSIDER the idea that perhaps what they said or were feeling came from their OWN PERONAL triggers, pain, insecurities or a combination of other things. We can become so self-centered sometimes can't we? 

We all carry a unique set of experiences, beliefs, and sensitivities. These idiosyncrasies shape our perceptions and emotional responses, creating what we commonly refer to as "personal triggers." 

These come to life based on our personal events or situations that elicit strong emotional reactions within us. Understanding these triggers can empower us to navigate our emotional responses more effectively and cultivate healthier relationships.

YOU are responsible for the energy you bring into a space. 

Isn't it funny how WE are the last place we look? 

Always trying to change the projected, instead of change the projector!

No one is coming to save you. You hold the power within. 

Some tips on taking responsibility for how you show up in the world. And friendly reminder; like attracts like. 


1. Prioritize your own personal self care to regular your emotions.

2. Mindfulness practice to observe your own thoughts.

3.Communicating our triggers to those close to us. 

4. Establish healthy boundaries.

5. Emotional regulation work; deep breathing, grounding, visualization, etc.

6. Self reflection. Assessing and tracking personal progress.


Understanding personal triggers is a journey of self-discovery and growth. By recognizing our triggers, exploring their origins, and developing effective coping strategies, we can navigate our emotional responses more skillfully. This self-awareness empowers us to build healthier relationships, improve communication, and cultivate emotional well-being. 

Be kind to yourself, self-compassion and patience are essential as we embark on this journey towards emotional resilience.


Get you into creation mode of what is next for you.


Arizona in JULY??